Sunday, 8 January 2012

Yesterday the rain came up again! summer... yeah right. It made for a good day on the Tuakopai though.Some of us had our doubts about whether it would be high enough but it turned out to be good .

Corkscrew rapid:
Topleft: Andre Sperling
Bottom left: Cole O'Conner-Stratton
Right: Carl Whitehead
Photo: Laurence Brown

Left: Cole going off the lip of Spa Falls                    
Right: Andre and Cole entering 'Pace' a super fast rapid.
Photo: Laurence Brown

We kept paddling after the Tuakopai and went down Mangakarangaranga.
Got a few cheeky shots on the abyss rapid

Don't punch the rocks, you wont win.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


A few weeks back in the rain the mighty Wainui came up. Cole and Laurence managed to get on it with a good crew with Sam Roil and John Snook. Ben Brown took an early exit after smashing his hands against some rocks making him unable to paddle so walked out. That was the only thing that went wrong. it was the highest flow any of us had done it making it for some intense boating. after all of us styling our lines on the big one, this time holding onto my paddle instead of throwing it away. Heres a little edit Cole made of the trip check it out.